Categories / Dev Environment
Performance profiling Nunit tests with ANTS Performance Profiler
Unlink of file X failed
ASPNET Core publish error: project was restored using X version Y would be used instead
Cleaning out temporary ASPNET files with Octopus Deploy
I'm speaking at DockerCon next month!
(Not so) Stupid Question 300:Where does the preference for dark editors come from?
(Not so) Stupid Question 299: Where does the editor war stem from?
Weather API in five minutes
Summary of what's new in Visual Studio 2017: IDE specific changes and what’s new for desktop developers
Error: Please run 'dnu restore' to generate a new lock file
The arrows on my Pok3r (AHK script)
Putting together my dream office
Video: Frequent blue screen of death ARGhhh security check failure and VirtualBox
Visual Studio Code for Mac & Linux is up for download - free
Video: The File Exists- IOException and monitoring file creation
The File Exists- IOException, monitoring file creation and Atom
Cordova app in Visual Studio error with Windows Store deploy/debug: certificate specified has expired
Horizontal scroll in Visual Studio (or other programs) with AutoHotKey
Android emulator does not contain a SD card
Salvaging your data from the hard drive without pulling out the disk (on Windows)
Error: Access denied when running SpeechSynthesizer()SynthesizeTextToStreamAsync(text)
Styling Chrome Dev Tools
Autoformatting XAML
(Video) Installing and running the Windows Phone emulator in a Virtual Machine
Mapping CapsLock to cut, copy and paste
Testing Bing Code Search Visual Studio Extension (with video)
Deploying from local git repository to Azure websites (w video)
How to swap between staging and production on Azure Websites (video + tutorial)
The one thing you should know to get more productive in Visual Studio- Keyboard Mapping
Visual Studio Online setup speed test and guide: Continuous Integration and Deployment pipeline
Virtual Academy write-up: Visual Studio Tips and Tricks, Debugging
Das Keyboard Scores- 6 weeks later
Day 14: Scores after a week break from typing- A week with Das Keyboard Ultimate
Day 7: A week with Das Keyboard Ultimate (blank keyboard)
Day 5 -6 (Weekend) A week with Das Keyboard Ultimate (blank keyboard)
Day 4: A week with Das Keyboard Ultimate (blank keyboard)
Day 3: A week with Das Keyboard Ultimate (blank keyboard)
Day 2: A week with Das Keyboard Ultimate (blank keyboard)
Day 1: A week with Das Keyboard Ultimate (blank keyboard)
What is JSFiddle? The ultimate guide for the ultimate lightweight tool (Q 249 & 250)
Setting up a Continuous Integration and Deployment environment with Windows server 2012RC, TeamCity, GitHub, Azure websites, ASP MVC and MSTest for the absolute beginner
Visual Studio error: CleanWPPAllFilesInSingleFolder evaluates to '' instead of a boolean
Thankk you - no thank you! Visual Studio Spell Checker
Stupid Question 231: What is ’Peek to definition’ in Visual Studio 2013?
BUILD 2013: 2nd Keynote: ASPNet, Azure mobile services, autoscale and Active Directory
UG Tour in UK this week and next
Stupid Question 88: How do I ignore certain warnings in code when I’ve set treat all warnings as errors?
Stupid Question 87: Warning levels, what are they, which level to use, and should they be treated as errors?
Sharing files across projects by linking in VS