Applying for NET Foundation membership (voting member) with Loke

After a lot of encouragement (thank you!!!) I went ahead and applied to become a voting member of the .NET Foundation, and as promised I recorded how you apply. It’s obviously straight forward, but I’m hoping that we’ll get more people interested by posting this little video that Loke joined in on. I’m sick with a cold and inflamed sinus, after an intense day yesterday (held a lecture at a local uni), but I was able to do a quick recording nonetheless.
If you are interested in becoming a voting member, don’t overthink it, - send in an application and why not consider becoming a board member as well?
The .NET Foundation is an independent organization that supports .NET open source. It’s all about collaboration and the community, advocating, promoting and contributing to the .NET ecosystem. If this is something you already do, and would love to be more involved, join the fun :)
There is an annual fee, 100USD, BUT if you can’t afford that, or if you are a student, then the fee might be waived.
Last modified on 2019-03-06