(Not so) Stupid Question 322: How much time do other developers spend weekly to stay current?

A little bit late with this video and blog post- sorry about that! We are in the middle the move to our new apartment (Loke gets his own room- which he won’t be using for a year haha). After I posted question 320, ‘How much time do you spend each week to stay current with .NET & Microsoft technologies?‘ I decided to ask on Twitter how much time other developers spent weekly. Over 1130 people responded to the poll, and we had many interesting discussions!
These are the results:
7% Spent no time at all
41% A few hours (1-3h/week)
36% 4-10h/week
16% More than 10 hours
Watch the video for more on the discussion- and let me know what you think. Should we spend our own time to stay current, or should the employer provide the time (and maybe even tools/resources) needed? Is it realistic to spend this much time, how will this scale as complexity of software is increasing? Do other professions have the same challenge (some people mentioned law and medicine)?
Last modified on 2019-02-13