(Not so) Stupid Question 320: How much time do you spend each week to stay current with NET & Microsoft technologies?
Earlier this week I had the pleasure of delivering two lectures at a local school for 50 students (approx.).

Loke (7 weeks) joined me for the two talks, and although my back was aching from carrying him for four hours straight, I was very thankful he slept through most of it. He usually isn’t a very good sleeper, and is a fussy baby that refuses to be alone (and that’s okay!). One of the two talks was about staying current with .NET, and I got several really good questions during/after the talk (thank you!!). One of them was: How much time do you spend each week, staying current with .NET. I’m more than happy to answer that question, and I want people to know that what I’m doing is not a recommendation or a blueprint, its just an example of how one person does it- and I’m VERY engaged in the community so I do spend more time than most people would consider ‘normal’. Here is my reply, and how I fit this in my life as a first-time mum to a 7-week-old baby, working part time. I’m currently working 25%, 40% from next week as the dad, Emanuel, wants to stay at home part-time so he won’t miss our so much. I work from the office on Wednesdays, the rest from home.
As a before-this clinical dietitian and personal trainer exercise is extremely important for my physical and mental well being, and I go to the gym each day for at least an hour. I do cardio for at least half an hour (with two longer sessions each week), and I spend that time listening to podcasts or watching videos.
2 podcasts a week, each approx. 45 minutes
Example podcasts:
Azure Friday
PowerShell podcast
.NET Core podcast
2-3 videos a week, each averaging 30-40 minutes
BUILD or Ignite videos
Or Pluralsight or Microsoft Learn videos
2-3 hours each week on reading news, blogs and articles
When working fulltime I would do this on Fridays
Now I do this during breakfast, after feeding Loke, when he sleeps.
Each night I read some tech book, maybe 20 minutes or so. Makes me sleepy, and sometimes I read out loud to Loke as the sound of my voice comforts him.

1-2 user groups each month
I also enjoy socializing by going to Meetups/user groups and conferences. I usually attend one every second week. This week it was Women in IT, next week I’ll probably go to a ‘mob programming’ session on Monday after work if Loke is up for it.
4-5 conferences per year
I speak and/or attend conferences 4-5 times each year. Last year I went to MVP summit, BUILD, LeetSpeak, and spoke at Tech Summit, TechDays Finland and Oredev.
This might seem like a lot, but keep in mind this is my passion, and one of my biggest hobbies and ties in well with work. I also spend a fair bit of time each week blogging, making videos and preparing sessions for conferences etc., as well as working on side projects. Those are my community contributions as a Microsoft MVP. Currently I’m also wrapping up a book on ASP.NET Core that I’m writing, and that takes some of my time as well.
As for friends, family and my significant other, I always set aside undisturbed time with them, its how I recharge my batteries. Loke is of course my number one priority, and I would never choose work or other over him. I’ll write/talk more about work-life balance in a separate post :)
Pew, this is getting long, so I’ll stop writing now. I also have a fussy baby attached to me (inside my hoodie), and he just woke up so we are going out for a walk in the snowstorm to get him diapers for the evening. He recently outgrew the size 1 diapers, and unless I want some accidents tonight, I’ll have to get some size 2 for him. Next nap I’ll hit the gym. Got some podcasts lined up.
the way you manage your time is inspiring
Thank you for the support! It warms my heart to see the support I've gotten as a mother and programmer- this truly proves that the dev and IT Pro community is a fantastic community to be a part of. Can't wait for him to join :D
Incredible, keep up the good work! Being a parent is the most difficult thing I’ve ever done and I can’t imagine what it’s like being a mother doing these kinds of events! Never give in, he will adapt!
Last modified on 2019-01-26