(Not so) Stupid Question 318: Does ASPNET Core support the full NET Framework?

My first week back at work (25%), and also my first week alone with five-week-old Loke. It has been hectic, but it has also been fun and challenging. I’ve kept recording (Not so) Stupid Question videos. Here is one from today with the following question: Does ASP.NET Core support the full .NET Framework?
This question came up in an ASP.NET Core podcast I was listening to at the gym. At the time, when the podcast was recorded, the ASP.NET Core team hadn’t announced yet that the framework wouldn’t support the full .NET framework after 3.0.
I tweeted about this, and noticed that many had missed the announcement and therefore I decided to make a video and a short blog post as this is important news. It is however important to know that ASP.NET Core 2.1 will be supported on the .NET framework indefinitely according to Damien Edwards on the team.
My advice to you would be to target .NET Core if you are creating a new service, and to only target the full .NET Framework if there is something there you can’t be without. Also, make sure you subscribe to the ASP.NET repository on GitHub, and keep an eye out for announcements and issues- in particular those tagged with breaking-change.
Last modified on 2019-01-13