DIY modern laptop stand in 5mins for 10 USD
Since I am still in the middle of the move to Sweden I haven’t had time to put together any blog posts on code or scripts. However, as with any move on a limited budget, I have some DIY projects to share.

I was asked by Kim what the pop-up power strip is and where I got it. It was already built in to the kitchen and bar disk by those that own the apartment (I am renting), but you can find it at Elgiganten and is called a pop up power strip. I can’t see it in the webshop, but Proove makes them and should be available from several stores. I think it costs 150SEK or so. also has these, and many more in different sizes etc.

I wanted to set up my ultimate programming space in my new apartment, with one of the things I wanted being a triple monitor setup. To be able to use my laptop monitor I needed a laptop stand, but I couldn’t find anything that looked good and didn’t cost a fortune. And I didn’t want to make one myself that looked like crap. I went down to the hardware store and after walking around came up with a cheap solution that I reckon looks pretty cool. The airy setup of the stand also allows my laptop to fully utilize the speakers underneath, and the laptop won’t run hot as fast. I ran out of led lights, but the stand will also get led lights as the monitors. Here is what you need:

4 shelf brackets in white
3 Slotted screws M4 – short
3 Nuts (steel) M4 (make sure you don’t get lock nuts)
Pack of table leg protectors (sticky on one side)
Screw the shelf brackets together as I did in the photo, making sure to use add the nuts and screw everything together tightly. They were out of really short slotted screws so mine are a bit too long for my liking, but not visible when the laptop is placed on the stand.

Add the protectors over the top of the screws and areas that the laptop might rest on to prevent the laptop to be scratched. And voila. That’s it. You have a laptop stand.

Hey Iris What's the name of the power surge you have in the background? have been searching for a similiar one, just forgot the name of the brand. Btw nice and creative idea on your laptop stand. Cheers! KSB
Neat solution. ITOH... That chair looks too high for that desk, your neck is gonna kill you really soon. Also, not comfortable at all to be seated for hours :S
Simple but elegant
Hi Iris, Do you recommend that chair? Looks pretty comfy! Where does it come from please? Cheers, Andy
I love white :) And with some led lights you can add sparks of color easily
Hi awesome you! Hope all is good dear friend, miss you! Its from Proove and is sold at Elgiganten. I updated the post with some details about it, has a big collection of different style pop-up power supply. And thank you for the nice words about the stand. I forgot to add that is can be collapsed flat when not in use :D
The desk is a standing desk since I stand more than I sit, the chair I just lean on now and then to rest my feet :)
It's comfy, its some sort of bar chair but I'm not sure from where :/ The apartment came furnished (I'm renting)
I use the chair very little, mostly lean on it and half sit-half stand since the desk is a standing desk. I prefer to stand, I'm a rather restless programmer :D
Last modified on 2015-01-19