(Video) Learn EdgeJS part 1 : What is it?

Edge.js connects .Net and node in-process – it allows interoperability so we can leverage the two platforms together. This means that if you need something from .net, be that existing libraries or components, you can reuse them in Node. An obvious thing you might want for some situation is to leverage the multithreaded model of .Net for CPU bound computations. Node is, as you know, single threaded.
The creator of Edge is Tomasz Janczuk, and he has a mind the size of a planet. I asked him to watch this video, so I am a tiny bit nervous! But he seems like an awesome guy.

So how does this work?
When you download node you get an executable that allows you to compile your application using the javascript engine V8.
Instead of having the two components, with the cost of communication channel you choose you can with Edge run them in one-process and save the communication cost. Not to mention have everything in one place.
You might want to leverage some dlls in a node app, or use some juicy modules from node in a .net application.
For now we will stick to this simple explanation, but I will in a separate video explain in detail, and also walk through the syntax. The purpose of the next video is to get you up an running, first with a Hello World, and then with something useful.
In the next video and example we use .Net with Node, separate videos on the reverse scenario will come, as well as running on Ubuntu. Many videos coming! Yay!
The full list of videos (will be updated as I publish them):
What is Edge.js?
Getting started: Hello World and compression example
Double Edge: Using node modules in .Net
Edge syntax explained
Edge on Ubuntu for the beginner
Edge examples beyond Hello World
Edge in detail
Real world examples with Edge
- more
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Last modified on 2014-06-12