(Not so) Stupid Questions 278-281 SharePoint- Pain and pleasure

In this couch interview I ask Jonas Almqvist, one of my dearest friends, about life as a SharePoint developer, the pains and pleasures and confront him with the SharePoint jokes I’ve heard. Some of the questions asked:
What is SharePoint?
What are the major pains?
What do we love about SharePoint?
Is it true SharePoint is the platform clients love but developers hate, if so- why?
Is SharePoint configuration only?
Are there breaking changes between releases and updates?
Is it true you get rich as a SharePoint developer, but you lose your soul?
Jonas does Windows Store App development with SharePoint, how does that work?
Expect a lot of giggles, an easy going conversation, and wise words from a wise young man :)
I’m having a hard time with WordPress and embedding audio, so for now I’ll provide two ways for you to listen to the audio, the tiny button below:
[sc_embed_player fileurl=“http://irisclassonpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/files/002_jonas_sharepoint.mp3”]
Or the take me to the source! That my dear is the link to the audio file :)
Podcast can also be found on iTunes, just do a search for ‘iris classon’ and the stupid questions podcast should show up :)
Last modified on 2014-05-22