Windows Desktop Development Platform Advancements: Notes BUILD 2014
Got in an another hour of cardio today watching this session, here are the notes. Enjoy!
Session: Windows Desktop Development Platform Advancements
Before you read on, make sure you check out this repo by Paul betts (thank you for telling me about this Paul!). This simplifies handling per monitor DPI in WPF(one of the the main topics of the talk):

Here are the notes from the session:
Big year for form factors
High and low
Extreme DPI
More touch devices
Different devices, desktop, laptop, tablet, Xbox
This means challenges for us developers
Abstractions provided to handle differences
High DPI = high productivity feature as easier to read. Provides an improvement in contrast to a certain point
Reading rate improved as contrast improves
Scale aspects
XP supported 100 percent scaling
8.1 has 200
Never devices have 250 in the spring update
We can expect more increases in the future
What to expect
By 2015 150 percent mainstream
How do we write future proof apps?
Code for scaling
How do we test without hardware
1. Hardware
Tell app to scale in the manifest - dpiaware
Ask for scale factors from the PC - getdpiformonitor
Handle monitors
2. Testing
RDP , can set higher DPI and also pet monitor
Whitepaper will be published and test scripts
Allows scaling up to 500 percent
3. Assets
Consider vector assets
If fixed assets maybe just so e high so assets and see how they scale down
Per display scaling
Introduced in 8.1
Important for docking
WinRT apps do it with framework scaling
WPF also supports per display sample here:
Developing per monitor DPI aware WPF app
Build talk from last year walking through demo
GDI and win32 challenge
Changes and innovation
Input modalities abstracted
Example: pointer events , locator
And more
- we get rich data on demand and we can do a lot of cool stuff
Future proof
Produced input latency
Last modified on 2014-04-30