Iris Classon
Iris Classon - In Love with Code

How to extract Camtasia video files from camrec file

Why audio and video? I, and many of my friends and readers, record videos with technical content- and we need all the help we can get. Hope it helps.

If you have like me, accidentally clicked ‘Save and edit’ instead of saving just the video file, or you recorded the webcam as well so there isn’t any save just video file option, then you should know its easy to fix.


Just select the .camrec file and unzip it.


For Mac users: (from Jon Flanders- fellow Plueralsigth author)

Right click on the file and select “Show Package Contents”

Files are stored in another package (cmrec) file inside of that package or under Temporary Recordings



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Last modified on 2014-02-05

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