A simple C# and F# example with IoC and unit tests
Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Öredev conference as a speaker again and I had a great time. Not only did I get to see old friends, but also make new ones, and learn new things. I did end up doing some things I didn’t expect, such as box, dance tango, go slack lining (balance on a line), acrobatic yoga and some other things, but I’ll save that for a separate blog post. One thing that I did learn that is a bit more tech related, was F# and very gentle introduction to machine learning- which definitive is something I want to spend more time learning. A new friend I made at Öredev was Phil Trelford, who is an F# MVP. I think he spent a good 11 hour plus in the lobby teaching me F# and with some great guidance and some of his F# frameworks I under his guidance put together a very simple C# and F# example using F# for tests and for IoC container, and C# to wire it all up. I thought why not share it, so here it is :)

I quite like the compactness of F# but struggle to read it as I’m so used to C#, it takes a few extra seconds to ‘get it’, but that goes for any new languages and thankfully F# shares quite a few similarities with C#.
So this is a very simple example, but I’ll find the time later this or next week to explain some cool stuff I learned such as providers and active patterns + +.
I recommend taking a look at Phil’s blog, I just saw that he had written up a nice blog post about his time at Öredev and our little ‘hackaton’ in the lobby (and the slack lining; I tried very hard to make him try but never succeeded).
Download the F# and C# sample here – please note that the two frameworks used are made by Phil Trelford so share the love when using them :)
C# - Main
[sourcecode language=“csharp”]
namespace MyHouse
using MiniIoc;
using System;
public interface IAnimal
string MakeSound();
public class Cat : IAnimal
public string MakeSound()
return "Mjau!";
private readonly ILitterTrayService \_service;
public Cat(ILitterTrayService tray)
\_service = tray;
public interface ILitterTrayService
void Poop();
public class LitterTrayService : ILitterTrayService
private int \_poopCount;
public void Poop()
if (\_poopCount >= 1)
throw new OverflowException();
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var container = new Container();
var foo = container.Resolve<IAnimal>();
Tests in F#
[sourcecode language=“csharp”]
module Main.Test
open NUnit.Framework
open Foq
open MyHouse
open System
let When cat makes sound it says mjau
let cat = Cat(mock());
let sound = cat.MakeSound();
let When cat makes sound it poops
let service = mock()
let cat = Cat(service)
let sound = cat.MakeSound()
verify <@ service.Poop() @> once
let When cat poops twice littertray overflows
let cat = Cat(LitterTrayService())
let _ = cat.MakeSound()
Assert.Throws(fun () ->
cat.MakeSound() |> ignore
) |> ignore
Last modified on 2013-11-17