Requested: Dancing grandma - and a note on Inkscape
My grandma made her very first app not to long ago, with a little help from me. She made a NFC writer app for Windows Phone 8, a simple but functional app. I wanted to find a nice vector file I could use for the app, but couldn’t find a fitting one so I ended up making my very first vector drawing inspired by the Illustrator and Aftereffects session with my dear friend Julia Holmblad this weekend. She finally showed me how to use the pen tool, and I decided to give it a go in theopensourse program Inkscape. The pen there isn’t 100% the same, but I managed in an hour or so to scramble together a drawing I was happy with.
I tweeted it, and it wasn’t long before the devs got creative and suggested I make her tapdance. Well, why not?
After importing the XAML to the project, I threw together a quick animation- please keep it mind it was just for laughs :) But I might actually keep it in the app. Yes, why not? Here you go, the dancing grandma. Blog post on the app creation itself coming up later this week.
Hermit Dave, this is for you:
I made the drawing in Incskape, saved it as a pdf, changed filename to .ai, then opened it in Expression Design and exported it as XAML. The XAML generated by Incskape is not compatible with SL in WP as far as I know. Might be an easier way to do this, I'm new to Incskape and Expression Design :)
Last modified on 2013-05-20