Ask Iris- Question 180: Leap Motion demonstration with Google Earth and DotNetConf
Since I wrote that first blog post about the Leap Motion I’ve been asked for demo’s and my take on it, so here is a first video demonstration with Google Earth (first time I’m trying it). I’ll be doing a session at the virtual conference dotnetconf this Friday (2013 April 26th) demonstration the device, talk about it’s inner workings, the Air Store, getting set up, and the code :)
Make sure you sign up for DotNetConf this Thursday and Friday!
My session on Friday 26th of April 12:00 PM (PDT) /7:00 PM (GMT)

Taking the Leap into the touch less future with****Leap Motion
The motion tracking device that even Tom Cruise in Minority Report would envy back in 2002. With the air gesture controlled apps at our door step and the Leap Motion leading the way, this is a session you don’t want to miss. I’ll demonstrate the device, go through its inner workings, the API’s and the airspace store. But even more important- there will be code. Let’s bring the future to life for a Minority Report 2013 inspired session.
While I'm visiting your blog, I just wanted to say I enjoyed the demonstration you held for dotnetConf. I had the chance to play with the device a bit, but haven't been able to do some actual coding yet. Now I know what to expect at least :)
Last modified on 2013-04-23