Ask Me: Questions about me

I’ve been getting a lot of question, and I’ve come to the conclusion that video answers is the only way I’ll manage to answer all the questions :) This video covers questions I’ve been getting about me and what I do.
If you have questions, feel free to ask them on Twitter, FB, Skype, or the blog: Tech questions are my favorite :D *hint hint*
Erik Burd
Lamin Sanneh
Nice video Iris. Loved it. I think the last time you were this personal was when I heard you being interviewed by scott hanselman on hanselminutes. Cheers, would love to work with you someday. :-)
Caitie McCaffrey
Great video, also this is super girly, but I love your eye make up. Its so fun!
Martin Owens
Do you know about Free and Open Source yet? Programming, and yet a whole other universe of fun making programs.
So you started coloring your hair at 14 and you have been coloring it for 16 years, so I think you are 30 :). No need to say your age :P By the way, you talked about Swedish code comments but have you seen comments in Chinese. I have :O Congratulations for the very good blog :)
Great idea Iris! I like the pink, although red is my favourite, it looks very cool.
Last modified on 2013-03-27