I'm still alive - blog is back on track after a minor conference break
Thank you all for the messages and emails, and calls- no need to be concerned I’m doing well and I’m not stopping with the ‘Stupid Questions’ on the blog or tech entries- as a matter of fact I have a nice backlog of entries waiting to be published. It warms my heart to see/hear the messages, so thank you so much for that!

I had an extremely busy week last week, 3 conferences in 3 countries, 6 sessions in total, two interviews, one article, one webinar and organized one user group - all in less than a week. Pew!! In preparation for that I took some time of from the blog, blogging takes time and I didn’t want to just write up something quickly to get it done. I’ll post some pictures from the various events, I met so many lovely people, and had such a good time- can’t wait to share that with the world.
So, I’m back from my little ‘vacation’ and I’m ready to write up some good posts and articles, so keep an eye on the site :)
It was great to have you in our ICTexperttalks. Such an inspiring story. Thanks for sharing! You can watch the interview on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVVYWda-OiA if you like :)
Thank you, and thank you for having me :) That was really fun :D :D
Last modified on 2013-03-12