Stupid Question 146: What is a Phablet?
I am very late to this party, but I just learned that ’Phablet’ is not a misspelling but an actual word. So why not share it with the world? (In hope somebody else also admits to not knowing so I can feel better about it).
A Phablet is a device that is a tablet and phone combine, with a screen size between 5 and 7 inches. According to Wikipedia ‘Streak’ (Android) was the first ‘Phablet’, but Galexy Tab was probably the most famous one. While people seem to disagree whether the ‘Phablets’ are a good idea or not, it looks like they are here to stay. I think they are interesting, but I have a bag, so I carry a Ultrabook, tablet and two (if not three) phones with me. I hope to combine the tablet and Ultrabook- but I’m not quite sure if I would want – or am ready to- accept a larger phone. Let’s never say never :)
BTW, I actually thought ‘Phablet’ was for fabulous tablet,- but that just proves I listen way too much to Beyoncé. Tabolicous ;)
I'm actually quite tired of having 903493408 different devices. So I'd like to have a combined phone/tablet. Phablets are probably too big for a phone and too small for a tablet. Maybe the solution would be a device with OLED that can be expanded. Or how about a proper tablet, and the phone is a little satellite you can clip on your ear. That way you could actually use the tablet in context while talking, and/or do video talk.
I saw a person using the galexy tab as a phone, it looks weird, it just does.
Last modified on 2013-02-09