Stupid Question 137 : Where can I ask tech questions?
I ask a lot of questions, I really do, and I also love forums. And there really is a forum for everything! I actually came across a SO post where there was a long list of really good forums where you could ask question. I’ll add more to the list when I think of some really good ones (I’ve added just a few) and please feel free to add as well. Would be great to have a complete list of really good forums/resources for those of us working in tech. (Devs, IT-Pro’s and so on).
Software Development
Stack Overflow - Code questions
Programmers - Architecture / Design questions
Code Project - Forum, Articles and mix
DevShed Forum OSS Web Development
Super User (Home)
Server Fault (Enterprise)
Computer hardware
Computer software
Microsoft based operating systems
*nix based operating systems
Digital design
Web Hosting/CMS
Math, Science, Engineering
Math Overflow (Graduate level math only)
IEEE Explore - not question but answers (scientific journals)
That is very true! Twitter is a great place to get some help! The prob. with the comment field seems to be a spam plugin, I'll look into that- thanks for letting me know! is an awesome place for .NET developers.
What about MSDN?
Last modified on 2013-01-27