Stupid Question 104: What is a 'Fagan Inspection'?

Fagan inspection- formal code review
So I came across a really funny term while reading about code review, something called a Fagan Inspection. I don’t know why it sounds funny to me, but it just does :D
So, what is it?
It’s a formal code review (done in group), and is named after the guy who came up with it, mister Michael Fagan (IBM) during the early 70’s.
It’s believed (and proven in a few studies) to be very effective at detecting so-called defects (I’ll get back to this soon). At the same time I would like to point out that informal code review is also very effective, so it’s not given that a Fagan inspection is superior. It probably (because I am not an expert) depends on quite a few factors.
A defect is defined as:
A piece that is not correct, complete or actually missing. If something doesn’t meet the requirements, then there’s a defect.
The inspection itself is defined in six stages/steps:
Rework (at this point one can return back to the planning stage again for a new cycle)
Everybody participating in the process are given different roles such as:
I reckon this sounds rather interesting, and I would like to try this. I’ll see if I can get together a group of devs and try this out. If you have any experience with this, and maybe even some handy tips please feel free to comment!
Last modified on 2012-12-14