Stupid Question 77 (Öredev conference special): What are the main struggles of junior developers in their first dev job?
All the posts related to my session can be found here: Öredev related
During the 100 interviews ++ I did with junior developers such as myself we talked a lot about experiences from the first job, or internship. We talked what was great, but also what many of the struggles were. A senior dev was kind enough to send me a link on twitter to a document describing a study by Microsoft researching what “Struggles of New College Graduates in their First Software Development Job " are. I was not surprised to see that the struggles found were the same as we had experienced.

The main areas of problem: (I should point out that this was a fairly small study!- but I can agree on these areas of problems based on my own experience and the experience of others that has been shared with me)
- The main problem, often being that the junior dev doesn’t know how and when to ask questions
collaboration - problems related to collaboration went both ways, misunderstandings were observed
Technical - Mainly problems related to using new tools, often the problems were also coupled with collaboration problems
Orientation and cognition - struggled to collect, organize, and document the wide range of information that they needed to absorb - as well as knowing in which order to do things
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Last modified on 2012-11-07