Looks like I'll be speaking at nforum

I’m happy to share that I’ll be speaking at nForum 20th of November (in 3 weeks) here in Gothenburg! I’ve attended most of these mini-conferences, always had a lot of fun and I am very happy I get to share some of the things others have shared with me on stage :) As always there are some very interesting sessions, and great people! If I was you I wouldn’t want to miss this.
In case you are missing out on the Öredev conference and you are able to attend nForum, I’m doing the same session, but I never do the exactly same session so don’t worry, the abstract and title is the same, but there will be plenty of new material :) If you are curious about the session have a look here: Preparing for the Öredev session and here Looks like I’ll be speaking at Öredev 2012 in Malmö Sweden !
Hope to see you there!
Last modified on 2012-10-30