Looks like I'll be speaking at Öredev 2012 in Malmö Sweden !

Looks like I’ll be speaking at Öredev 2012 !!
Not sure how many might have already noticed this, but as of Tuesday I was added as one on the speakers at Öredev. How cool is that :D ? I was sick as a dog after DevReach , several of us got sick, and when my phone rang on Monday I could barely talk. I was asked if I could hold a session at Öredev, after the Keynote on Wednesday. Well of course yes!

Iris classon at Öredev 2012
I am soooo happy about this, in particular because I get to hold a session that is very close to my heart, I session that is very important. When I started programming last summer (2011, not 2012 :P - we had no summer this year) I also started interviewing students, teachers and employers (and colleagues) about the value of newbies. At the same time I heard from several senior developers how newbies suck and negative remarks- which spurred me even more to continue with this information gathering. It started of as just a thing based on pure curiosity, as most things I come up with, but after over a year I have a fair bit of material collected.
So for Öredev I have boiled down hundreds of interviews to ten important lessons, and for each one of them I’ll put together a french short movie (1-2 minutes max) to kick of each advice. It is going to be one hell of a session, and I hope to carry everybody through the whole emotional spectrum, with laughter, tears and frustration, just as I have been, as many new developers have been- and as we all always will be.
Hope to see you there!
Stupid questions and n00bs - top ten intriguing things you need to do
Wednesday 10.00 - 10.50 in: Grinding the Crack
It really doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in this industry or which position you hold, understanding generation n00b and the value it brings should be mandatory for you. After asking a stupid question daily on the blog and interviewing hundreds of n00bs, employers, and teachers I’ve collected for you some rather intriguing and invaluable advice. In this unique narrated short film session I plan to shock, share and shine some light on your most valuable asset: Generation n00b.
Congrats Iris!!!
Last modified on 2012-10-10