DevReach 2012 Day 3 of 3
No stupid question today as I’m at DevReach will be offline for the whole conference.
DevReach 2012 Day 1 here
DevReach 2012 Day 2 here
On the third day the speakers were invited on a cultural trip, those of use that survived the party from the night before ;)

The group :D Feels like a school trip :D

Let’s try that again with a jump!

The most popular thing at the museum… Sahil asks: “How old is that” LOL

A pretty cool city

Shay shows us the beautiful drawings he made ;) Just kidding :D

Miguel is like an annoying big brother, Brian Prince, taking the photo, makes fun of me being so short. (First day without heels)

Everybody is so happy. We found a corner with free wifi

Indeed a cultural trip. Haven’t seen one of these in ages. Everybody took a picture with it :P

Cool church

The holy light shines on the awesome devs :D

Late night drinks again, watching you tube video, cracking jokes and talking shit until 3 am
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Last modified on 2012-10-06