DevReach 2012 Day 2 of 3
No stupid question today as I’m at DevReach will be offline for the whole conference.
Second day at the conference, even more fun :D
DevReach 2012 Day 1 here
DevReach 2012 Day 3 here

It’s a beautiful morning. The building where the conference is is actually a cinema, super cool!

Me and Michael Crump, my new BFF evangelist pose outside the conference center

Eating lunch with Silverlight Show

Beautiful Melania Danciu in the sunset

Meeting Twitter friends!

Lucky me got some chocolate :D

Finally get to visit the Telerik office, me and my boss , Chris Sells

Ninja pose at the Telerik office

Speakers team up for yet another group picture :D

Coolest guy you’ll ever meet, Stephen Forte (Chief Strategy Officer at Telerik), Milena and I

The Cool-Crew , Richard Campbell and Steve Smith hang out

Up on stage singing Britney Spears ‘Oh baby baby’ , Tibi, Stephen and Brian (not in the picture)

Meetin more Twitter friends!

Me and my awesome dance partner Brian Randell

Gerard documents the madness
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Last modified on 2012-10-05