2000 Followers on Twitter, promised song: The Microsoft SDK Plea
This is not one of my best songs, but I’ve had soooo much to do at work the last few weeks so all my creativity has been poured into work =) Nonetheless, I promised a song, and here it is. In case you missed it, the SDK I’m talking about here is the WP8 SDK, but I made the song a bit more generic so I can reuse to for later ;) And I am NOT singing it. But as a few suggested, at the 3000 Follow count I will write AND sing a song.. At 4000 I’ll write, sing AND dance. Why? Making so many new friends, expanding the discussions, and seeing so many people take an interest in what I do and what I stand for (the awesome world of programming - yeah!) makes me happy,- and when I’m happy I sing, and dance. Yes I do. So why not share? Let’s have some fun :D :D

This is not my drawing, but still cute :) http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1399298
The Microsoft SDK Plea
Dear mister missus Microsoft please give me that special SDK
It should have been out a long time I ago I remember somebody say
I’ll forgive and forget all the fights and disagreements we have had
I can’t live without this SDK, life without it is ever so sad
I dream on…
It was an SDK,
a beautiful one they say
I read it on the web somwehere
Donwload links where dead there
It was an SDK
a delayed one but on its way
It happens I guess
no worries no stress?
It was an SDK
Why didnt it come today?
I want to play
I need that darn SDK
Dear mister missus Microsoft my obsession has grown
I ran out of patience today and took up a loan
but I cant do this anymore, just give me that SDK fix soon
it would make this girls dev so happy, I would be over the moon
I have grand plans, a project and client, almost to good to be true
but dear mister missus Microsoft, I’m just waiting for you
It was an SDK,
a beautiful one they say
I read it on the web somwehere
Donwload links where dead there
It was an SDK
a delayed one but on its way
It happens I guess
no worries no stress?
The torment, the pain, making me wait
I’m always on time but you are always late
I sit and I wait with flowers in hand
There is a song playing, I even got us a band
SO dear mister missus Microsoft, I’m willing to give us a second try
You know where I live, so please just come by
Call me desperate, but I just want that SDK
I look out the window, hoping it will come today
It was an SDK,
a beautiful one they say
I read it on the web somwehere
Donwload links where dead there
It was an SDK
a delayed one but on its way
It happens I guess
no worries no stress?
It was an SDK
Why didnt it come today?
I want to play
I need that darn SDK
Last modified on 2012-09-12