Video from the first Pluralsight Study Group meeting (Sweden)
Join the Sweden Pluralsight Study Group here

When things don’t go as planned, just have fun with it. I sure did :D Great evening! And a great first meeting!
It’s safe to say that things didn’t go as planned!
My flight was delayed and I landed two hours before the group had to start.The pizza was late and then delivered to the wrong adress, people were running late and calling during the very laid back introduction.The pizza arrives and the ‘family’ size is smaller than my portion size, and I manage to burn popcorn and almost set of the sprinkler system.
Nonetheless, we had a great time and everything worked out great. I’m still posting the video as-is, as a reminder of that beutiful day - and it can only get better from here LOL.
Hope to see you all next time! More video’s to come! Hugs Iris

Ah yes! The burned popcorn! It was funny until I realized that the sprinkler system might go of :P
Leave a comment below, or by email. John PapahtxuankhoaNice presentation. Thanks :)
Last modified on 2012-09-06