aspConf 2012 videos and how to find time
If you, like me, missed out on the aspConf 2012 (in my case because the live streaming wouldnt work in any browser on Windows 8 (?!), then you will be very happy that they now have started publishing this year videos already. This is how I manage to squeeze in videos to my already full schedule:

aspConf 2012
What I usually do is that I have the video on a separate screen while I am doing something else (usually programming on a project), I’ll also have pen and paper ready, plus snipping tool ready (shortcut is Ctrl + PrtScn) and a separate folder. I’ll make notes now and then, and take screen shots / or use the snipping tool. I’ll make notes if I want to see a part of the video again. Whenh the video is done its time for a break anyway, and I’ll take five to ten minutes to sort the notes and images. I’ll take pictures with my phone of the notes I’ve written with pen and paper and add them in the folder, naming them so they come in the right order. I use this ’note-gallery’ as I call it as flashcards, and will quickly flip through them now and then so I wont forget. The folder is synced with my ‘Learning-library- on dropbox, and some cards I will convert to actuall flashcards that I can run on my iPad.
Last modified on 2012-07-21