Specs for our new server
So, just went out with my husband (and yes he has a blog too, he is just as passionate about what he does, Systems Management, as I am about programming) and bought a new server. Thankfully he knows more about hardware than I do (but he knows nothing about programming, poor thing haha), so he picked out the pieces more or less. Been getting questions about the specs, and I think it’s awesome that people are interested and are keen on giving advice/feedback. Here are the components we bought today:
Samsung SSD 830 series SATA 6Gb/s 256 GB

Intell core i5 Ivy bridge i5-3450

Asus p8z77-v LK

[To ugly to show picture]
20 GB DDR3 1600 Mhz

Antec chassi
[Re-using an old chassi, it was good when we bought it a few years ago, let’s see if it’ll do ;)]
LOL - this isn't a server.. Because: -no ECC Memory -desktop components -desktop CPU -desktop SSD ( Never ever use a single - and than - desktop drive in a 24/7 system. It's a server: -run server services... And I even would call the ASUS a router.. Srsly you look like a good developer - but network infrastructure isn't a thing you're good at.
Hi, I did mention in the post that network infrastrukture is not my 'thing' :) I am a developer :) Maybe I should make Question 31 What is a server? I'm sure people would have quite different definitions. You seem like you know a bit about this, so what is a server- what would you consider to be a server? (in this case we use this 'as a server' , but now a server-server per se´. We just wanted to get a server up and running with components we can reuse later)
Good idea it's quite hard to explain what a server is - cause there are many point of views. Some say server services are all - hardware and infrastructure doesn't matters at all, other says server services are reliable services and have to be bundled with reliable hardware. I think you should do question 40 or 50 with this - cause this isn't a easy question. I think this one of the difficult questions. Btw. about the "desktop" SSD, if you really use it as a server with load ( usually server have only memory load but no CPU / disk ). I would get instantly a second SSD and build a RAID1 at least. My experiences with SSD under load is that a SSD lives from 2 weeks to 7 months before dieing. Actually my kill rate from the last 2 1/2 years are 7/SSDs a year ( I only have 7running in total here.. so each SSD get's replaces at least once a year )
Last modified on 2012-07-20