Google I/O 2012 conference - learn about Android, Chrome, Chrome OS, Google APIs, Google Web Toolkit, App Engine, and more

Google I/O 2012 conference
On wednesday Google I/O 2012 conference starts, and although I wont be in San Francisco for the massive event I will be following the sessions live here.And according to Google : “All sessions will also be recorded and available on the site within 24 hours”
Sessions I would like to attend:
Day 1:
Breaking the JavaScript Speed Limit with V8
SQL vs NoSQL: Battle of the Backends (will see it at the same time as nthe Dart session)
Dart - A Modern Web Language
Putting the App Back into Web App - Web Programming with Dart
Not Just a Map (will se it later)
Better Web App Development Through Tooling
Fast UIs for the Cross-Device Web
Building Web Applications that use Google APIs and the JavaScript Client for Google APIs
Chrome Developer Tools Evolution
Jank Busters: Building Performant Web Apps (maybe…)
New Web Tools and Advanced CSS/HTML5 Features from Adobe & Google (especially intererested in ‘Brackets’)
Day 3
Android Design for Success (I want to compare the Android guidelines to Metro guidelines- session is early so I’ll have to veiw it later)
High Performance HTML5
Navigation in Android
The History and Future of Google Web Toolkit
Writing Secure Web Apps and Chrome Extensions
Security and Privacy in Android Apps
Knowledge-Based Application Design Patterns
I’ll write a blog post about the sessions I attend later this week, as well as Sommarkollo, a free 3-day seminar that will run at the same time here in Gothenburg. A busy week for me!- as always ;)
Last modified on 2012-06-26