Time to REALLY push it at the gym! 50K MTB comp in 75 days, Oslo Marathon in 90 days
Do you ever push yourself? To the point where tears are just waiting to be set free. To the point where the pain turns in to pleasure. To the point where it is only you there, the world is blocked outside. You can only hear your breath and you heart, and the blood runs burning hot in your veins, endorphins drugging your mind into an overwhelming state of bliss. And you run that extra mile, you run faster, longer, better, You lift heavier, you hold on longer. And you realize that you did what you never thought you could. And the best part is, it isn’t over. You’ll do it again and again. There is no limit, your body and mind is there to be used and abused. And you’ll do it so well.

Happy me (Iris Classon) working that iron at the gym
After taking it easy for about 10 days after Stockholm Marathon I am back in the gym, where I belong. It is good to be back! As always, I got plans,- and I am going to push myself even more than I have ever done before. Feel that pain, that passion, that strength- and embrace it. Whatever makes me mad or excited, I am going to pull it all out and just push my body and my mind.
Got a 50K MTB comp in 75 days, and Oslo Marathon in 90 days - I’ll post my workout schedule next week, as well as my strength training program.
Last modified on 2012-06-17