Waking up- please leave a few pieces

Waking up- please leave a few pieces Waking up- please leave a few pieces So I woke up this one morning. Might have been tomorrow or yesterday. Breathing seemed more easy and my life felt like it wasn’t on delay. I had no idea, if I had slept for an hour…. Or two… or the whole night. My mind felt well rested and waking up wasn’t the expected fight. I though; we have this thing called life and we don’t know what it’s for. Choices seem so many but always seem so disappointingly poor. The obvious ones to make are sometime the ones that break your heart. Devastating as it seems, those torn out pieces do grow back. I knew this one morning that I was ready to have this important talk. Bubble had burst a long time ago, and being crippled my legs longed to walk. With every bit of courage and love inside I had to say what felt right. So I would be able to close my eyes again and be able to sleep another night. In my numbness and holding my breath only pain was allowed in. I spoke as I felt the fire spreading, painfully burning, and I knew I couldn’t win. So we had this talk. Remind me, was it tomorrow or yesterday? I don’t recall the words spoken, pain lingers, and it’s not a competition you say. Nonetheless it does feel like something was lost, yours, ours or mine. And grasping invisible air I try to save feelings, memories and time. To keep some of it, to build on something old and produce something new. I honestly don’t need much, just please leave some pieces- I really just need a few. So many tiny, tiny, broken out pieces. Some of you and some of me. But we are still standing here whole can’t you see? So maybe it’s time to breathe and dry those tears, Finish this talk and accept our fears. It will be, you know, at some point okay. And it might be tomorrow or it might be today.
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Last modified on 2011-11-28