I did tell the landlord that attaching a heavy sink to a wall made of plasterboard (gypsum board) was a pretty bad idea and a risky strategy. Her answer, not to lean on it, was erhhh…well,- the sink began to sink as the wall started to give in where the the sink was attached. Today the leakage was worse than ever, and the pipes are just millimeters from snapping. I propped up the sink with my tripod, and I sure hope it can hold up the sink- and won’t break as well. It’s funny how being cheap can easily cost you a lot. If the pipes snap during the night it is going to cost the landlord more than the whole bathroom is worth,- plus a new tripod for me. How the hell do you come to the conclusion that a 0.5 cm plasterwall will hold a 15 kg ++ ceramic sink plus pipes?