Me with my new helmet
What do you think, is this a good look for me? Finally purchased a new helmet- a full face one - as well as some more protection gear. I was pretty bruised up from the last ride, and I don’t want to ride without protection gear as it is a gamble. I asked at the bike shop why so few use proper protection gear and he said they usually only buy it after the knee/elbow/shoulder surgery or concussion- if they ride again. Well, I would rather be safe than sorry. I’m happy my elbow is fine after smashing it into a rock after my shoe accidentally was jammed to the pedal, and that I didn’t get any fractures after landing hip first on the rocks after slipping on a wet root with the front wheel whilst riding downhill. I still got to buy knee and shin guards, but so far I’ve got most of the gear. Hopefully I’ll go for a ride tomorrow!
Some of my bruises, finally fading after 10 days :)