How fun does that look?
Just came back from a two-hour breathtaking mountain bike trip with Daniel and Niclas in the beautiful Skatås area. I was worried that two-three weeks of had taken me back a few steps in the mountain bike training, but it went really well today and I pushed my boundaries like never before and accomplished two more goals.
I can now ride very steep hills (both up and down) and I have stopped using the brakes so much and I am instead getting used to the speed. A big boundary break for me was also trying downhill.
It’s a long way up
I know we have mountain bikes, but mine is honestly a monster of a bike and should be able to take a beating of a downhill trip.
Niclas taking a break
And it’s a long way down
Me getting ready to ride downhill
And down we go!
Did however only take one downhill trip, as we haven’t purchased full-face helmets and the rest of the protection gear, and we didn’t want to push luck. We actually even biked up the downhill track twice, just for the hell of it, and when I came home I was still shaking from the intense workout and had to have a lie down.
The hill
Me and my newly cleaned bike
Now, at 7 pm I got to start programming. Got a powerwalk planned for later and maybe even a short bike trip. Gym tomorrow morning!