My husband Daniel working from home, not feeling well poor thing :(
Daniel got viciously ill yesterday while away on a day business trip. I felt so sorry for him, and I was very worried all day. He threw up all day, so for breakfast today when he was starving I made my must-have-heaven-home-made-muesli.
My homemade muesli straight from the oven!
He doesn’t get sick often, and thankfully it never lasts long either. Nonetheless he had to call in sick today, and work from home instead, and I decided to stay at home and take care of him while catching up on my studies.
My homemade muesli
Like I wrote yesterday, I am having a hard time understanding some of the things the teacher went through on Thursday and I need some peace and quiet to read through it all again.
my study corner
Me studying
My plan is to make sure I know everything that we went through the last two weeks properly, before attempting to do the assignment given to us on Thursday (we were asked to code a made-up zoo or circus using abstract classes, interface and so on). Right now I have curled up in the sofa with a coffee and three C# books, and the fireplace is fizzing calmly in the background.