Monday and Wednesday I don’t have to go to school since we have no lectures on those days. So I have been studying at home since I prefer to use my own computer, and I get to prepare really fresh and yummy lunches that keep me motivated. Here is today’s lunch, wholegrain crisp bread with sesame avocado mash made with lemon juice and garlic. Served with tomato, cucumber and olives. For dessert sliced green apple with cinnamon and shredded coconut, and to drink vanilla green tea.
wholegrain crisp bread with sesame avocado mash and olives
For those of you counting calories: this menu will give you 560 calories (with 10 olives, without them 490 calories). The macronutrient distribution is as follows: Carbohydrates 43%, fat 50% and protein 6%. On a 2000 calorie diet this lunch will provide 28% of your recommend daily energy intake.
wholegrain crisp bread with sesame avocado mash and olives
Here is a little tip for those of you trying to lose weight: Be careful with foods that are easy to snack on such as olives. If you can’t help yourself and you cannot just eat a couple, then you should consider not buying any. Olives are 87% fat, which makes them quite energy dense. At 6 calories per olive the calories add up fast and without the food providing much fullness.
sliced green apple with cinnamon and shredded coconut, and to drink vanilla green tea