Tired quick bike-ride to the office to send out some delayed bills

My re-furbished office It’s been a full-on day. School from 08:30 to 17:00, then bike to the office to handle some paperwork and pick up a delivery. Then bike back home, help out with the laundry, send some packets to clients and go grocery shopping. After a powerwalk to-and-from the store (nice way to get in some exercise) it was time to cook tomorrows lunch and dinner, and roast up some new homemade muesli for breakfast. Have tea and snuggle up next to my husband for ten minutes, then brush my teeth and slap on some selftanning lotion (on my skin, not my teeth) and iron my clothes for tomorrow. Pew. It’s 00:45 now. Yikes!
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Last modified on 2011-08-25
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