Day 1 650 days left: First day of school (learning system programming)

First day studying system programming/ software development First day of school today, and 650 days left before I become a certified system programmer ( I do believe that is the correct title- sorry for the confusion, but some Swedish words are hard to translate, and in the IT world there are a lot of variations!). The day started with our teacher Mikael Freidlitz tearing apart one of the school’s computers (yes, literary) showing us the different parts, explaining why they are too old and throwing them into the trash. Very dramatic and highly educational, and entertaining. There have been times where I have wanted to do the same thing at home with my computer! Then we went on to talking about bits and bytes, and what NAND, AND, OR and XOR means and how these are used. We categorized different types of programming languages and talked about pros and cons and when to use what. Then we learned about classes, objects, methods and properties. An easy start for most of us, but I know it’s going to get much harder soon! I celebrated the day by eating with out at a restaurant with Daniel (it’s also one of our monthly anniversaries, 35 months since we first met) and buying new pens and stuff like that. I am so excited about school!!
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Last modified on 2011-08-22