The programming dietitian: Becoming a certified software developer

In two months I am going back to school to study software development I’ve had a change of heart and now a change of career will follow. This autumn I am going back to school, but I am changing my direction quite a bit! I’ve kept it a secret for a long time now, but this Monday I finally got accepted and in two months I am starting. I am going to study software development and become a certified systems developer. This had been an interest of mine for a long time, but so far it has been more on a hobby level, building websites. I’ve wanted to study this for a long time, but I thought it was too late and just pushed the dream aside. But, you only live once, and this is a dream of mine. So was becoming a nutritionist, PT and dietitian, and I will always be all that, but I had one more dream and I am ready to make this one a reality and give it everything I have. It’s time for dream number two, programming! So be ready for some really mixed up blog entries, and a very challenging and exciting journey as Iris Classon, the fitness fanatic, personal trainer and dietitian becomes a software developer. I am tremendously excited and terrible scared. The new titles I will be chasing are: Microsoft Certified Professional Developer: Web Developer (MCPD: Web Developer) och Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Database Developer (MCITP: Database Developer). I bet it is going to be pretty hard!
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Last modified on 2011-06-22