The barbeque-party!
Last Monday we celebrated the National Day of Sweden. In Norway we always celebrate the national day big time, and I think Norwegians are quite famous for the over-the-top celebration. In Sweden the celebration is more quiet, but it has grown bigger over the past years. Last minute I and Daniel my husband decided to have a barbeque as the weather forecast promised us 30 C and sun all day. We had about 14 of our friends turn up, some of them we hadn’t seen in a while and we were extremely happy they could come. We barbequed and ate out on the balcony/terrace (we are lucky enough to have a quite large balcony/ terrace).
Me looking waiting my turn to have a dip in the lake.
Later in the evening we went to the lake in the forest to have a late-night dip. It was late so only six of us went. I decided to sport my Swedish-flag-bikini since it was such a special occasion.
The sunset
And as the sun went down we took a swim and just sat on the rocks afterwards drying in the warm air talking about mountain biking and USA travels.
Slippery! Me trying to get back to land. Joakim is having a bit of a struggle in the background
When I went to bed that evening I had a smile on my face, you see,- life is quite good on days like this, and I bet it is only going to get better!