My husband dropped a 40 pound weight plate on his foot!
Ever wondered how many people get injured at the gym whilst weight training? And what the most common injury is? My husband dropped (by accident) a 40 pound weight plate on his left foot from 2meter height yesterday, and that kind of made me curious. Turns out that Daniel represents the numbers quite well: Here are the numbers: Men contribute to 82% of the injuries, and as Daniel did, 65.5% of the injuries are due to dropping the weights. 90% of the injuries occurred with free weights (as with my husband). 25% of injuries were to the upper trunk, and about 20% to the lower trunk. Strains and sprains was the most common diagnosis with 46% according to this study and there where less injuries with machines (the jury is still out on this one thought). So now you know. I got to and take care of my poor husband.
well, i typically workout without shoes on and people tell me it's not safe. i ask them if they drop 40 pounds on their shoed foot, what will happen to them. they typically have no answer.
Chuck: Yeah, I agree. A little bit of material is not going to do much once that weight hits ýour toe haha. I never let my clients wear jogging shoes when doing squats, god mornings, leg presses and/or deadlifts, they got to do it barefoot as the shoes causes instability, and and these exercises it's is very important with good ground contact.
Why do you workout without shoes? I'm a bit of a barefooter myself :)
ma'Corina: Lite bedre er den, men han kan först ta ut stingene om en uke!- Så med andre ord så kan han ikke springe neste lördag. send med bilder fra Krazy, jeg vil se hvordan det ser ut! Stor klem :)