Yesterday, under clear blue sky and scorching sun my husband and I went for a long run to test our capacity before the big race Sunday 21st of May. We decided to run from Mölndal /Gothenburg to Kungsbacka where his parents live since I was going to work in the evening in Kungsbacka. We equipped ourselves with 1 liter of sportsdrink each (max amount I could carry without it being a hassle), tons of sunscreen, heart-rate monitor and a small bag that could be attached to the hand that would carry some first aid equipment and mobile phones. We ran a total of 23.5 K, and it took us 2 hours and 40 minutes as we took quite a few wrong turns and had to check the map. Otherwise we keep a good running speed of 10.8 km/hour (when the road was plane) up to 12.5 km/hour (downhill). Uphill running was done at a pace of 9.2km/hour. I reckon we can go much faster during the 21 K race, and I am definitive bringing my own sportsdrink.
Me after about 13 K, only one bottle left of sportsdrink. Ob the right you see how we ran, or was supposed to run…
After the race I had a bit of a headache due to dehydration (I was so dehydrated I didn’t sweat at all, and I did drink 1.3 L during the run), and wasn’t too thrilled about standing for five hours at work,- but I survived. Today I am feeling fantastic, and the first thing I did this morning when I woke up was to pamper my feet and thank them for not being sore, blistered or bruised. Gym awaits them in an hour or two, and it’s leg-day today hehe.
Thank you feet for not being sore, blistered or bruised!