Swedish National Dietetic Association conference 2011
As the title indicates that is what I have been pre-occupied with the last three days. And what a conference! Truly inspiring and very educational! The theme of the conference was the translation and implementation of the American Nutrition Care Process Model, as well as International Dietetics and Nutrition Terminology (IDNT). I feel very lucky and proud that we are the first European country to implement this as it will further improve quality of care for patients, as well as increasing the value of my profession as a registered dietitian. I’ll tell you more about this at a later point, it’s my birthday tomorrow and I want to get to bed early so I can get the most out of my day. Here are some pictures, some of me (Iris Classon- in case you forgot) with Esther Myers (PhD, RD, Director of Research and Scientific Affairs at the American Dietetic Association) and Naomi Trostler, PhD, RD (Israel). Amazing women, I hope to be just as inspiring and knowledgeable as them one day!
Esther Myers, Iris Classon (me) and Naomi Trostler. Three happy RD’s, from three different countries and continents :D

Elisabeth Rothenberg (president of the Swedish National Dietetic Association & RD) and Torsten Mossberg from the National Board of Health

I didn’t like the food there, it was horrible :(

Workshop with Esther Myers and Naomi Trostler

A room full of Swedish RD’s :D
Leave a comment below, or by email. emmaluuErik @ Fråga DietistenSnygga bilder från en riktigt bra konferens! Æven om maten hade kunnat vara bættre førstås.. ;)Iris Daniela ClassonReply to: Erik @ Fråga DietistenUsch, maten var hemsk! Men grym konferens! Sjukt sugen på att åka till Finland i Juni, men det blir nog för dyrt :P Skall du dit?
Last modified on 2011-04-05