Great news today! The very lovely and lively receptionist at Business Center just sms’ed me and told me that the office is mine! So in three weeks I am moving the clinic to a new location, and I have to say I am extremely excited!
The place is very fresh, with great facilities, and I am sure that clients, patients and students are going to love the waiting area and the receptionist there- not to mention the new educational centers and the office where consultations will be done plus free parking. I am so happy you won’t believe it!
I will finally be able to offer my clients the very best and even though the rent is higher than for the last place it is worth every penny. Here are some pictures that I borrowed from the Business Center’s website. Next week I hope to get some time to sneak another peak at the soon-to-be-new clinic/office and get some photos. Right now life is very good! Very good indeed!