Oh what a Merry Christmas!
Three days later and I am back home and back at work! My To-do-list is longer than ever but my batteries are recharged and I can’t wait to get started! In less than two weeks the advanced nutrition course starts and I am looking forward to meet my new students. Here are my Christmas pictures, sorry for the three-day delay ;) I spent Christmas with my husbands family this year and as always the food and the company was great!
Me (Iris Classon) having some glögg

‘Glögg’ is a Swedish tradition and is a wine made of potatoes and spices and usually consumed for Chrismas

The men of the family go to ’talk car’ while appreciating the Lotus in the garage. This might become a new Christmas tradition…

My mother-in-law is quite a cook and the food is the highlight of the day for me

A mountain of vegetables and I am very pleased!

The dinnertable is set for 12 people

Daniel, my husband, and I (Iris Classon). Isn’t he handsome ;)

The cat Mitzy seems unaffected by all the noise, she spent two days on the stairs without a single worry in the world

Outside it is -15 C degrees and the snow lays white and pure. Its magical.

A tower of presents has to be opened and the youngest of the girls is in charge- the cutes santa I have ever seen :)

My mother-in-law gives Mitzy the cat a Christmas-cuddle

…and me again. Completly stress-free and very happy. This was a super hodliday to recharge my batteries and spend some time with family. But I miss my parents and my sister, and the rest of my family. Hopefully I can go back to Norway soon.
Leave a comment below, or by email. JohnIris Daniela ClassonReply to: JohnHi John, thank you for the compliment. Honestly I find my husband very attractive (and so do other women may I ad) so I would have to challenge that 1 billion times of your . But, it is more than just looks, and he is one hell of a guy!- I am just fortunate that he is kind, smart AND handsome . And the benjamins, well, we use Swedish KR here, and we have moderately of them. Not poor, nor rich (yet), and even if both my parents and his parents are well of, it is due to hard work. My dad is an entrepreneur and both him and mum are engineers. Daniels parents work really hard, and I might also ad that not borrowing money, and spending wisely leaves room for more fun. This is something they wanted us to appreciate and therefore we grew up learning how to work hard (and play hard- but keep the spending down), have big dreams and to reach for the stars. But, to answer your question: My husband Daniel is the nicest human being I have ever met and he inspires me to do great things , plus keeps me sane and focused when I need that. He is also my best friend in the whole world, and we have so much fun together. Since my family reads my blog I will not give any intimate details if you know what I mean, but let’s just put like this, he makes me VERY happy in many ways
Last modified on 2010-12-28