Right, so it has been a while again! Nota as long as you think, because it turns out I am missing a blog-post from my trip to Norway! Annoying, but I recently just upgraded the site, and the post probably got lost. Oh well, since we last ‘talked’ I have had several meetings, as I am looking for competent and professional people to cooperate with so we together can change people’s health for the better. Nutrition and fitness are two out of many very important factors, and therefore I have been looking for professionals in the other fields such as mental health. My company IC Kompetent Hälsa has now also launched its winter campaign this week, and poster + flyers will be all over town. The website has now a winter theme to match the campaign, and although this did take some time I was very happy with the result!
website winter
I’ve had to do all web designing from home, using two computers and three screens, and my desk is full of papers and I-don’t-know-what. Outside it has been snowing like crazy, and temperatures below -15C has haltered my activity level to some degree- no outdoor running until my ankle is fully recovered. Nonetheless, me and Daniel did go for a 2 h powerwalk on Saturday and slowly I will have to build up my legs for the upcoming 21 K run in May. I am doing this run barefooted, and right now I am recovering from a twisted ankle and Achilles tendonitis (both legs). Well time to hit the gym now, leg-day and I am hoping for a new personal best on the leg press.