I now have a dietitian clinic in the city!
Wondering why I have been so absent for the last few days? Well, I have great news! I have now leased an office in the city (in the middle of the city!) and will be opening a dietitian clinic in the city very soon. It feels great to have my own clinic, and to work as a licensed dietitian instead of ‘just’ as a nutritional counselor at a gym. So needless to say, I am incredibly happy- but also a bit stressed as I have to manage school, relocate my clients and most urgent set up the clinic ASAP. There will be long days, but happy days! Location is key, and here you can see where the clinic is. Pretty darn awesome I must say! Ill be back in a few days to give you some more details:)
It is next to NK

Four houses down this street

On the first level (the big windows)

This is me yesterday after signing the lease, very happy!
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Last modified on 2010-09-15