Study study study
Time to answer the grand question, dear Iris, what are you studying now?
Welfare, economy, work and health
Well, I’m doing a double master, a one year master in dietetics and a two year master in medical science.
Qualitative method
At the moment I am studying at 150%, and the courses I am doing right now (this autumn) are as following:
Quantitative method
Qualitative Methods, Welfare Economy Work and Health (x2), Quantitative Methods, Functional Foods and Finding and Scrutinizing Information (from a health and nutrition perspective).
Functional foods
Sounds interesting? Sounds like a lot? – I’ll be fine, good teachers, good books and a willing mind is all I need :)
Finding and scrutinizing information
I honestly couldn’t choose between the two master programs and therefore decided to do both. Lucky me the different courses are all within the health field, and they complement each other so well. I’ll tell you more about the courses, but later; I’m in a hurry to kidnap some books from the library!