Ben and Peter left for Stockholm yesterday, and as the summer is ending and autumn begins so does reality.
saying goodbye :(
Having them over was like having a mini-holiday, I had forgotten how much fun it is to live in a share accommodation.
There were some parties, some shopping, many late nights and some cooking, cleaning and weight training- and most of all a lot of laughs.
Ben and me at Park Lane
Last Friday we took the boys to Park Lanes VIP night and showed them what we consider to be Gothenburg’s best nightclub.
Daniel and me at Park Lane
It was meant as a grand finale, since they were leaving the next day and since both me and Daniel will be working every single day until next summer making the Friday our last big night out for quite a while.
On our way home after a crazy night out
Out of all the things we did as a group, I reckon the cooking was my favorite part.
Eating a royal breakfast outdoor
We made some pretty healthy and tasty food, and it is always more fun cooking for four than just two, and I hope they got a taste for Swedish cuisine. Spread the word to Australia guys!