Did you know that
…apparently I have about 1850 pictures from the trip? So this will take some time…. Give me the weekend and I’ll get some pictures online. I have to resize them etc or the website is will be going to get really slow. Tomorrow a mate of mine is competing in a strong man competition,( good luck Jonas! ) so I’ll be gone the whole day, but I’ll post some pictures and even a smaller video if he lets me in the evening. Ciao! Here is a picture from a small barbeque today, which went really well apart from the fact that we mixed up Celsius with Fahrenheit and therefore tried to roast 1.5 kilo of meat at a temperature of 125 C, or 250 F. A bit chewy…hm…
The meat burning so good, after cooking at low heat for half an hour…

The guys trying to figure out the ‘barbie’

The food was, afterall, not so bad. Daniel and Mikael managed to eat over 1 kilo of the meat
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Last modified on 2010-07-16