iris classon (me!) at the hospital
Ah! Another week has gone by! This one has been an extraordinary week, as two things I have been looking forward to have happened. One: my practical training as a dietitian started, and two: spring is here! My training will last for six weeks, and I will be at four different hospitals (!) mainly in the geriatric unit and the stroke unit. Due to the privacy law I can’t give you any details about meetings with patients, but I can tell you this: The first day went by so fast I hardly even noticed I was ever there. I mainly spent the day learning the routines of the hospital and the software used to handle the journals, and met quite a few people. The second day I already had my own patient, and I was so happy, it felt like second nature. Third day I had a follow-up with the patient, and the fourth and fifth day were not that different. On the weekend Daniel and I went to eat dinner at his parents’ house, and the weather was so lovely. I even tanned for half an hour or so, it was warm enough so I could take my top of. Sunday, today it was back at the gym, and I took the opportunity to wear the new workout dress my mum bought for me as a birthday present, since it was warm outside. We did our weekly grocery shopping, and right now Daniel is studying for his test next week, and I am- well, I am writing this blog entry. A very good week indeed, looking forward to the next one! Ciao!